1. Developing Neural Topographic Factor Analysis (NTFA), Northeastern University
    • Incorporated neural networks and matrix factorization methods to model individual and content variation in fMRI neural activities in Python and PyTorch
    • Reduced dimensionality of fMRI time series data with interpretable low-dimensional embeddings
    • Added an individual by content interaction embedding to account for both between and within individual variability
    • Incorporated clustering methods to determine brain states in the embedding space
    • Collaborated with an interdisciplinary team including machine learning researchers and neuroscientists

    Khan, Z., Wang, Y., Sennesh, E., Dy J., Ostadabbas, S., van de Meent, J.W., Hutchinson, J.B., & Satpute, A.B. A computational neural model for mapping degenerate neural architectures Neuroinformatics (2022) * equal author contributions

    Sennesh, E., Khan, Z., Wang, Y., Hutchinson, J.B., Satpute, A.B, Dy, J., & van de Meent, J. W. (2020). Neural topographic factor analysis for fMRI data. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 33, 12046-12056.

  2. Identifying Neural and Physiological Patterns of Fear, Northeastern University
    • Developed situation- and individual-dependent models of subjective experiences of fear
    • Designed, collected, preprocessed and analyzed fMRI data
    • Collected, preprocessed, and analyzed physiological data (ECG, ICG, Respiration, EDA)
    • Built neural predictors of fear using PCA, LASSO regression, and multivariate analysis

    Wang. Y., Kragel, P.A., Satpute, A.B. (under review, bioRxiv) Neural predictors of subjective fear depend on the situation.

  3. Modeling social action conceptualization and prediction, Northeastern University
    • Designed experiment, created the video stimuli, collected fMRI and online data
    • Applied Reinforcement Learning models and Hierarchical Gaussian Filters to data
  4. Motivational influences on visual perception : a computational account
    • 2016 - 2017 @ Stanford University
    • Examined what people want to see influences what they report seeing
    • Analyzed behavioral and mouse-tracking data using Drift Diffusion Model

    Leong, Y.C., Hughes, B., Wang, Y., & Zaki, J. (2019). Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying motivated seeing. Nature Human Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019- 0637-z